Under Gender Statistics, we label all statistics that in an adequate way, describe and reflect the inequalities and differences in various situations of men and women in all areas and aspects of life.
What is “Gender Statistics” exactly?
Gender Statistics is the scientific notation and interpretation of statistics that in an adequate and complete way are reflecting the living conditions and situations of women and men with respect to all policy fields and areas. Gender Statistics allow for and enable, systematic research and study of differentials and issues regarding gender. A gender-related issue is any concern or problem that is determined, in its broadest sense, by differences between men and women based on gender and/or sex.
There are countries that don’t grant girls and women access to education and training in the same way as boys and men.
Topics related to “Gender Statistics”
In 1995, the United Nations Beijing Platform for Action has identified 12 key fields of concern in relation to Gender Statistics that called for at least strategic action. These 12 gender-related concerns indicated which relevant statistics had to be collected to be able to provide a solid basis for required policies and to implement programs, and also to be able to monitor and evaluate these policies and programs.
The 12 areas of concern are Health, Poverty, Education, Economy, Violence, Armed Conflicts, Power & decision making, Environment, Institutions to advance women’s positions, Women’s Human rights, Media, Structural discrimination and rights violations of girl children.
Power and Decision Making is key as there is continual inequality between women and men when it comes to sharing of decision-making and power at all possible levels.
Websites that offer online test preparation report that the majority of web users are young women who are more systematic and more patient when it comes to online test prep.
5 Gender Stats Examples
Gender stats help to customize these programs to fit broader audiences and a great example is available for free. These programs are adjusted to fit the female population that is mainly using this website.
Over the year 2014, women with full-time jobs received average earnings of $719 per week, and this was 17 percent less than what men brought in on average, $871. What women earned as a percentage of what men earned was varying by occupation. For example, what women were earning on average per week in extraction and construction and extraction occupations ($691) was 7 percent less than what their male counterparts were making.
Gender Equality in Europe
European Gender equality is also far from achievement and the earnings gap between men and women is similar to the American situation.
This map of the world is indicating that the problem of gender inequality still remains a key barrier to worldwide progress, and though girls and women around the world have been making important strides since the 1990s, the situation of gender equity has not been gained.
The many disadvantages that girls and women are faced with, continue to be a major source of worldwide inequality. It still happens far too often that girls and women are discriminated against in education, health, job opportunities, political representation, etc., having very negative repercussions for their freedom of choice and the development of their skills and knowledge.
Gender and Education
In 2014, nearly three 3 million students were taking the ACT or SAT test though more and more colleges are not requiring this. According to statistics from ED.gov, female students are dominating between test-takers. Both ACT and SAT tests are the most popular in New York, California, Texas, Illinois, and Florida.
The tests include clear differences. The ACT consists of four long sections, whereas the SAT contains 10 shorter sections. The ACT comes with a science section, and includes math at a more advanced level, and contains trigonometry.
This data snapshot is highlighting some differences in educational opportunities that exist between men and women from pre-kindergarten up to higher education.
This information (collected from various education data sources) indicate that, despite the fact that impressive progress was made since the 1972 passage of Title IX, a lot of work still is left to do if we want to get to the point of total gender equity between the boys and girls of our nation’s student body.
The data of the U.S. Census Bureau offers great insights on the number or percentage of young kids that participate in preschool education, and in what way gender differences play a role in getting access to our educational programs from early childhood on.
The Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC) now collects more direct and indirect data regarding accessibility and educational opportunities for school kids in relation to gender than it has ever done before. Noteworthy is that girls outnumber boys in our Advanced Placement (AP) enrollment in science, foreign languages, and a few more AP subjects. In AP math, however, boys have been consistently outnumbering girls by a large number.
Dropouts Crisis in America
The current national high school graduation rate is 80 percent. Over a lifetime, a high school dropout will earn $300,000 less than a high school graduate and almost $1 million less than a college graduate. The GED exam serves as a nationally recognized high school equivalency credential. There are great free online programs that allow you to prepare at home.
Career and Technical Education Report
Despite the fact that women have gained considerable results in some non-traditional fields, is the number of females who have enrolled in particular career clusters, at a continuous low level. In 2010, female students did not even make up 25% of all students participating in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) programs across the nation.
In fact, the numbers were 21% in secondary education, and 24% in post-secondary education. By 2014, that number of certificates and degrees granted in STEM sectors to females had increased by almost 5%, and in 2010, 31% of all STEM degrees and certificates were awarded to females.
Why is “Gender Statistics” important?
There are at least three important reasons why Gender Statistics should be taken seriously:
- It helps raise public awareness. It plays a crucial role in changing prevailing conditions of men and, especially, women.
- It furnishes policy makers, politicians, and international leaders with basic and crucial information to come up with desired changes to existing policies that may affect women and men in a different way.
- It is providing a nonbiased stream of information so actual situations and effects of policy changes can be monitored.
How do we use Gender Statistics?
- Gender Statistics play an important role if we want to understand the real and actual situation of men and women in various societies. They are crucial for research and to analyze gender-related issues in different parts of the world.
- They also play an important role in monitoring progress in programs set up to enhance gender equality. These stats are crucial if we want to advance equality and full enjoyment of fundamental human rights by girls and women.
- Gender Statistics are essential when it comes to the development and monitoring of programs and policies that are set up to boost investments in the workforce and human capital, and to monitor gender-related policy developments to reduce poverty. They also play a key role if we want to develop and/or monitor programs to reduce violence against women.