Gender Mainstreaming

What is Gender Mainstreaming?

The term “Gender Mainstreaming” comes from English and refers to the “integration of the sexes” or “equality policy”. The aim is to successfully implement gender equality at all levels of society. The term “Gender Mainstreaming” was first used at the third UN World Women Conference in Nairobi in 1985.

Ten years later, at the fourth World Women Conference in Beijing, the term was propagated. Gender mainstreaming became widely known in 1997/1999 when the Amsterdam publishing house appointed the concept of the officially recognized focus of the European Union’s gender equality policy.

Gender mainstreaming is often confused with classical women’s policy and interpreted as one and the same, but this is not correct. Gender mainstreaming differs from explicit women’s policy in that within the framework of gender mainstreaming, both sexes, i.e. male and female, are to be integrated equally into the holistic concept design.

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Chairman, Chairwoman, Chair?

Britain is a country full of foibles, idiosyncrasies and outright bizarre behavior. Not just to the outside world, you understand. Sometimes, stuff that goes on in one part of the country bamboozles people who live in another part. Take a browse through these articles and learn more about what makes the Brits tick.


Chairman, Chairwoman or Chair? The Weighty Issue of Gender-Specific Language

The debate rages on. Yet this problematic word derives from history when the male of the highest status would be seated for weighty debates. The remainder of the elders would stand, thus signifying the seated male’s importance. Yes, the word “chairman” means seniority. It means importance. It means twiddle yer forelock, unworthy wretches. It means – bloke!  Women just didn’t hack it as decision-makers in those bad old days.

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Children Reading for Children International

Three billion people in the world face literacy challenges every day. Some 800,000,000 adults and 200,000,000 children cannot READ this, and girls and women represent two-thirds of those who are unable to read or write! Children Reading for Children International want to do something about that!

Children Reading for Children International (CRCI) is a non-profit grant funding foundation dedicated to advancing literacy and education as a fundamental children’s right. The organization focuses on helping parents, teachers, schools, and libraries build literacy and numeracy skills for children.

CRCI believes literacy is an essential life-skill fundamental to education and any future economic opportunity. Their child-centered read-a-thons are designed to educate children about the importance of children’s right to literacy and education worldwide. They inspire children to read, raise awareness reading and raise funds for children’s literacy globally.

CRCI’s Global Ambassadors for Literacy & Education champion a charitable campaign reflective of three distinct, but interrelated learning lessons for children. The first aim is to teach eco-literacy by educating children about nature, wildlife, endangered species, conservation, sustainability and overall respect for the environment.

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